The website's goal


One of the hottest issues of our century is that the seemingly plentiful petroleum and natural gas reserve will run out soon. However, nowadays' energy use mostly bases on fossil fuels that's why it's more and more urgent to change them for renewable energy resources. Petroleum is on the decrease, it gets more expensive day by day. The transport of natural gas causes difficulties and although the coal supply lasts longer it increases the greenhouse effect. We can save energy but sooner or later there will be nothing to be saved. The change of industrial production is crucially important.

One of the best solutions to deal with this crisis could be the solar energy. This is why we chose this topic. The Sun can provide us with energy from its inexhaustable light for a long time. This pure energy may be the energy resource of the future which can supply households with electricity without by-products. As with the help of solar cells we can directly convert solar energy into electricity. If we produced electricity not in power stations but in the way mentioned above, we could reduce environmental damages. Even one simple system utilizing solar energy can reduce the greenhouse effect equal to the value of 50 trees.

If you succeed in making solar cell production cheaper with new technologies, then these solar cells can even squeeze out wired electricity and would be able to produce own necessary electricity. Nowadays solar energy coming from the Sun covers only 1% of the world's energy consumption.

The first step to the maintainable conservation of energy should be to put emphasise on solar energy utilization. Not only applying to solar cells since all ground every resource directly and indirectly derives from the Sun. In the future the Sun and the utilization of alternative energy resources will play a more important role in the maintainable conservation of energy. That's how the dependence on fossil fuel will almost come to an end, the environmental damages will significantly
decrease and cheap and pure energy will be available for every one.


  • "Industrial Photo-voltaics in Electrical Engineering" - Gerhard Karrer

  • Photovoltaik, Akademiebericht Nr. 274, Akademie für Lehrerfortbildung 89407 Dillingen

  • Der Weg zum Solarzeitalter, Eurosolar e. V.,Neckar Verlag 70050 VS-Schwenningen

  • Econzept Energieplanung GmbH, 79115 Freiburg

  • Erstellung eines didaktischen Konzepts zur Nutzung einer PV-Anlage, Diplomarbeit, Thomas Weishaupt, FH Ulm

  • Info- und Arbeitsteil, EU-Projekt, Leonardo da Vinci, Wilhelm Kirchensteiner, Berufs- und Bildungszentrum für Elektrotechnik München

  • Regenerative Energien, Arbeitskreis Schulinformation Energie, Themen für Schulen, Energie Verlag 69011 Heidelberg

  • Photovoltaik Handbuch, GWU Solar GmbH,Vertretung der Siemes Solar, 81675 München

  • Photovoltaik-Anlagen, Fraunhofer Institut 79100 Freiburg

  • Solarstrom, Handbuch zur Planung und Ausführung von PV-Anlagen Energiewende Verlag 66130 Eschringen

  • Richtig Solaranlagen und Photovoltaikanlagen einbauen,BHW Handbuch 31789 Hameln

  • Photovoltaik Anlagen, TÜV-Akademie_Rheinland Gmbh, 51105 Köln

  • Solarstrom für die Freizeit, pro solar Energietechnik GmbH, 88212 Ravensburg

  • The Yearbook of renewable energies 1996 UNESCO & EUROSOLAR

  • "A Nap és a Duna" oktatási anyag - Pásztor Zoltán